DĀMOS Database of Mycenaean at Oslo

DAMOS (Database of Mycenaean at Oslo) is an annotated electronic corpus of all the published Mycenaean texts, the earliest (ca. XV-XII B.C.) written evidence of the Greek language, comprised of inscriptions in the Linear B syllabic script.

  • Browse and search functions:
    in this online version of DĀMOS it is possible to browse the transliterations of the Mycenaean texts and to perform word searches and word co-occurrence searches in the whole corpus or in a desired subgroup

    For each document you will get text, notes, metadata and a first basic bibliography.

  • Highlight Changes
    By clicking on "Highlight Changes" it's possible to see the part of a text (or of its classification) which, due to joins or new readings, was changed in its newest edition, be it in a corpus edition or in a dedicated journal article (sources are quoted in the notes and in the general literature list). This is particularly relevant for the texts from Pylos (for which many new joins have been published since their last edition in 1973) and for the texts from Knossos (for which a new translitteration has just been published, see the section on the texts in DAMOS).

  • Notes:
    The notes are also being tagged for their topic (like, e.g., hand attribution or chronology), so that this will also be available for searches in a future version of DĀMOS. Here follows a list of tags and abbreviations that currently appear in the text of the notes and that might be helpful for the user:

«ko-wo»: linear B text reported in the notes
€ = source of new joins, new readings, corrections, etc.
JOIN€ = source of join(s)
READ€ = source of new/different reading
NEW€ = source of a new document
CORRECTION€CoMIK4: corrections from the appendix of CoMIK4
þ = hand attribution
OKþ = settled hand attribution
þA = hand attribution where a decision might be relatively easily taken
Qþ = open question about hand attribution (sometimes it refers just to a missing indication of a
possible "stylus" in an article proposing a join or a reading)
Cþ = further control in the sources is needed for a given hand attribution
(-) = writer indication
$-$ = stylus indication
© = chronology
@ = location
£ = interpretation
¿ = possible joins
# = modern correction to scribal error
DĀMOS: change of the text present only in DĀMOS
(FA): remarks from DĀMOS' author